Early Birds OK?
9 years ago in Blogging
What does "early birds OK" mean in our garage sales listing?
This might sound obvious to most of you but you might be surprised to find out that some people didn't understand this.

When posting a garage sale in NYRockland.com, you have the option to indicate if you are okay with early birds, and as you can see from the screenshot below the early birds simply means "Can people show up prior to the start time to look around?"

I want to emphasis on "prior to the start time"...
This does NOT mean 5 hours before the start time or even worse, the day before the garage sale day.

One of our users contacted us today because he posted about a garage sale that he's having tomorrow at 10am with the "early bird OK" option but didn't realize that he would have a visitor today morning knocking on his door asking about the garage sale, one day before the actual sale date!

Please use the common sense and be mindful of the fellow residents in Rockland County about their garage sale hours (or days).
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