We are excited to announce a new feature called VIP garage sales.
The VIP stands for
Post and the garage sales with VIP status will be displayed on the top of our page under the VIP section. In addition, they will also get mentioned and posted in our Facebook timeline!
This is by far the best way to announce and share about your upcoming garage sales and it has a very high visibility to so many residents in Rockland County at so many levels.
How to get VIP statusFirst, post your garage sale at NYRockland.com.
If you post as a guest user then you will need to wait until your posting has been approved.
Once your sale posting shows up under either THIS WEEK or NEXT WEEK+ page then you should see below screenshot when you view your garage sale:
Second, copy the address/URL of your garage sale posting from the browser then post it on your Facebook timeline and let your friends know that you are having a garage sale. Just mention that you are having a garage sale on the planned date and include the link to your posting from NYRockland.com so people can find the details about your garage sale from the link.
Third, copy the address/URL of your Facebook page from the browser and paste it on the VIP status text box on your garage sales page (screenshot above) then click on the submit button.
It's possible that you might see the below screenshot without the text box.

If you see the above screenshot instead then use the Contact page to let us know your Facebook page address.
Finally, once we confirm that you have shared a link to your garage sale on your Facebook timeline, we will give VIP status to your garage sale posting.
Please note that we will only give up to 3 VIP status per week.
VIP status is not limited to garage sales but also applies to yard sales, moving sales, estate sales, bazaars and rummage sales, as well as any community events. We may chose to give VIP status to a community event even if we already have 3 VIPs since many Rockland residents can benefit from the community events.